Ongoing learning, keeping an open mind, and doing self research are all things that have helped me tremendously through my own healing journey. Learning skills such as from scratch cooking, herbalism, traditional cooking techniques, nervous system regulation, and how to nourish the body properly has helped me to accomplish deep layers of healing. I want others to know healing IS possible

Hi, I’m Mattalynn
I’m so happy to have you here in this wonderful community of likeminded free thinkers, who choose to take their health & mindset into their own hands. Together we can achieve our goals while healing, breaking generational trauma, nourishing our bodies from the inside out, and grow into the person we’ve always wanted to become.
Learning to love day to day life can bring you so much peace of mind. Slowing down, living with more intention, and connecting with who you truly are. With the modern world thrusting consumerism and hustle culture to us from all angles, it can become overwhelming
Learning to take charge of our lives and not allow social media or the modern world force us into a mold that we don’t feel comfortable fitting into. In other words, sometimes the road less traveled is the path we are destined to go down!
About me
I’ve been on the GAPS (gut and physiology syndrome) diet for close to a year now. Before GAPS I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and severe IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). From my senior year of high school to the very beginning of 2021, I had been experiencing debilitating and disabling symptoms 24/7. For instance, I would wake up in so much bodily pain that I was basically bedridden. I even had to quit my job as a hairdresser as a result of all the pain and sickness. Along with that I was going to the ER every week due to my severe IBS symptoms, no doctors would help or try to “treat” me.
But there is good news! I no longer experience any of those debilitating and disabling symptoms that I used to experience on a daily basis. I’m so thankful for the GAPS diet. My quality of life has improved drastically along with no longer being held down by diagnoses. Overall, learning that food is medicine has vastly changed my entire life, health, and mind.
I love to cook, bake, read, go hiking, learn, and try new things in general. In the future, my goal is to make a YouTube channel. I want to have videos along with my posts showing in more detail how things work. I also wish to share more on my healing journey and overcoming Fibromyalgia and IBS. Healing is truly possible as long as we give our bodies the right environment to heal themselves in. For more information on the GAPS diet you can read more on the official GAPS website.
One of my favorite sayings is “nothing good comes easy”. I enjoy a good challenge and pushing myself out of my comfort zone is something I always try to do. GAPS was really the ignitor of the flame when it comes to living a more meaningful life. Learning about how our ancestors used to traditionally prepare their foods and how they combatted ailments and disease. Additionally, disease and auto-immune disorders are at an all time high! It’s time we go back to natural, simple, and safe ways to heal our bodies.

A bit Into my Life
I was not always the person I am now. So much growth and change has happened to get to where I am now. Similarly, I firmly believe that pushing yourself outside of the box we all create around ourselves is key to positive growth and change. I used to eat fast food on a daily basis and didn’t know how to cook to save my life! I fell victim to the vegan/vegetarian trend for years. Only eating processed boxed vegan meals that contained additives and fillers that our gut can’t break down. I didn’t care what I was ingesting into my body while simultaneously getting sicker and sicker. If only I would have realized sooner the direct correlation between how artificial colors/flavors, fake meat products, toxic chemicals, and processed foods, and medications can slowly break down and ruin your health.
Learning to nourish my body from within with real whole foods has been the key to healing. I primarily focus on eating all meats, protein, cultured dairy products, cooked fruits/vegetables, animal fats, and ferments! I drink at least three cups of homemade chicken stock from scratch each day to help heal and seal my gut lining. In addition, learning the proper traditional ways of preparing food and cooking has helped me become more knowledgeable on my healing journey. Herbs are also a huge part of it all too. I regularly consume herbal teas as they contain medicinal qualities for aiding in healing or helping treat a specific symptom.
I enjoy making herbal remedies as well since it’s such a safe and easy way to heal. Things like tallow herbal healing salves, tallow cayenne salves, elderberry syrup, fire cider, and infusions! Experimenting with herbs and learning medicinal qualities yourself can vastly improve you approach to healing more holistically.

My boyfriend, Ryan, and I have been together for over 4 years now and I can’t image life without him. He has seen me at my lowest when I was so sick I could barely move from debilitating pain. To me, that’s the beauty of a strong relationship. You both learn to navigate through the ups and down together. I believe having someone to share the good and even the bad moments with is truly a blessing of life. He is so motivating, such a hard worker, and extremely caring. It’s amazing when you get to share your life with someone else.
We plan to move into our own home in the future and hopefully have some acreage. The plan is to have our own egg chickens and hopefully meat chickens. Along with a giant garden to try to be more self sustaining and rely less on grocery stores. Also some goats or a cow for our raw dairy needs. It’s easy to say you want those things for the future but it will take a lot of work. Lucky for Ryan and I we are both hard workers. The effort it takes to reach big goals is even more motivating. We will truly have our Homesteading Heartland soon enough!

Homesteading Heartland
Homesteading and going back to the “simpler” ways doesn’t always mean easy or less work! But that does not mean we should leave these things in the past. The modern conveniences we all normally rely on, slowly trick us into thinking hard work shouldn’t need to be done. As I mentioned above, nothing good comes easy. It’s abundantly more rewarding when you finish something that took effort and hard work over something that was extremely easy.
Homesteading Heartland resonated with me so much because I aspire to be a homesteader of my own. Also homesteading takes a lot of effort, patience, and hard work. Which are all of the things I find as a good challenge to take on!
Why Choose Homesteading?
The homesteader lifestyle helps you to see what actually matters in this modern day of over-consumerism and social media. What actually matters is sourcing whole nutritious and unprocessed foods. Trying to live a more of a toxin free life all while nourishing our bodies from the inside out to heal. Isn’t it beautiful how just small changes to how you live day to day can ignite new lifelong interests? Along with passions that lead you to who you truly are.
I encourage you to be yourself, live the lifestyle you dream of, and don’t try to fit into a mold that modern society sells you. It’s what set me free on my journey to real health and wellness. You can change, grow, and develop yourself into the person you’ve always wanted to be. It can be accomplished with hard work, dedication, and effort, I promise. I can’t wait to share the rest of my journey with you. I’m so happy to have you here!
Join Homesteading Heartland!
Come join me on this adventure of cultivating lifelong skills. Learning to use more traditional techniques, recipes, and nourishing our bodies from within to heal properly! Subscribe below for newsletters!